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Francisco López launches Audio-DH

iii is excited to announce the launch of the project “Audio-DH, sonic manifestations from 250 creators from Den Haag / The Hague” initiated by Francisco López which aims to show a glimpse of the breath and vibrancy of audio-related artistic/creative activities from our city.

A list of 60 curators has been compiled representing the many artist initiatives, ensembles, galleries, festivals, educational departments that amongst others have contributed in recent years to shaping the local experimental audio scene. Each of these curators has been invited to in turn invite 4-5 artists/creators to participate in the project. The outcome of the project will be presented in September 2016.

Read more about the project in the invitation letter: audio-DH for artists-creators

Concept & Direction: Francisco López
Project Coordination: Barbara Ellison
Production: iii
Software Development: Andrea Vogrig & Darien Brito
Web Design: Satoshi Shiraishi
Graphic Design: Studio Another Day
Financial Support: Creative Industries Fund NL, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, Stroom Den Haag
Presentation Partners: Korzo Theater, TodaysArt

Invited curators (in alphabetical order):

Adriaan Reinink, Akiem Helmling & Marie José Sondeijker, Anne Wellmer, Anthony Blokdijk, Aurelie Lierman, Barbara Ellison, Bronne Keesmaat, Caroline Bakker, Dario Giustarini, Dewi de Vree, Domenico Sciajno, Donia Jourabchi Broujerdi, Edwin van der Heide, Evelina Domnitch & Dmitry Gelfand, Ezequiel Menalled, Fani Konstantinidou, Henry Vega, Ingrid Lee, Jacqueline Heerema, Jan Trützschler von Falkenstein, Ji Youn Kang, Joost Nieuwenburg, Joost Rekveld, Judith Schoneveld, Justin Bennett, Kacper Ziemianin, Kees Tazelaar, Keir Neuringer, Leo Svirsky and Maya Verlaak, Lucas van der Velden, Ludmila Rodrigues & Mike Rijnierse, Marie Guilleray & Bjarni Gunnarsson, Marie-Jeanne de Rooij, Martijn Padding, Martijn Van Boven, Matteo Marangoni, Matus Kobolka, Mayke Nas, Mischa Poppe, Olof van Winden, Paul Koek, Pete Harden & Kate Moore, Peter Adriaansz, Peter Edwards, Peter Van Bergen, Raviv Ganchrow, Remco Schuurbiers, Richard Barrett, Robert Pravda, Rozalie Hirs, Sabrina Lindemann, Shane Burmania, Stefano Sgarbi & Ruben Brovida, Stephanie Pan & Stelios Manousakis, Thijs Geritz, Toshie Takeuchi, Yannis Kiriakides, Yolanda Uriz.