[UPDATE 24-03-20]: Until June 1st, public events and gatherings are banned in the Netherlands. This means that we will not be hosting any physical events until June 1st. We are currently discussing our plans for the Spring program with our membership and curators. As planned, NL_CL #1 will be live-streamed.
[UPDATE 16-03-20]: From March 15 until April 6, The Netherlands will be on lockdown. This means that we will be moving our program during this period online. NL_CL #1 will be live-streamed and No Patent Pending #39 will be recorded from our workspace and the video distributed later.
[MARCH 13] In light of the most recent government mandate, we want to let you know that we are taking the situation seriously and are taking extra hygienic precautions at the iii workspace.
As our events do not exceed an audience of over 100, we will continue our program as planned unless new public health announcements advise us against doing so or travel bans affect the program lineup. We will keep you updated via social media and our website.
Some extra notes:
-If you are in the risk group, we discourage you from attending our public program
-We encourage visitors to pay by card rather than cash to minimize skin to skin contact
-For now, Raw Dates #1 and No Patent Pending #39 at Rewire are the only events that have been postponed until further notice
Stay safe
xx iii