



Anarchival Practices Film Screening, with Nikki Forrest

June 2, 2017

We are happy to be collaborating with Cloud Danslab to present a film screening related to the upcoming Reading Room on Anarchival Practices.

Nikki Forrest, a Montreal based artist and curator, will present a one-hour experimental video program of recent short works from the independent artist run centres Groupe Intervention Video and Videographe based in Montreal. The program will explore intersections of movement practice, audiovisual media and environmental relations. The works are connected by a playful focus on Queer Ecologies, drawing out on alternative and marginal histories of media form and practice, including the critical importance of intersectional identities, sustainable support, DIY and micro-budget production and other material practices.

The program will be free and afterwards we will head to Stroom for the Reading Room #17.

address info: 
Film screening at Cloud: De Constant Rebecqueplein 20-B, 2518 RA Den Haag
Reading Room #17: Stroom Den Haag, Hogewal 1, 2514 HA Den Haag
(the two locations are walking distance apart)