



Beyond Music, Mariska de Groot

Sound, light, movement: intimate parcours along four surprising sound installations. Mariska de Groot shows her installation Incidence of Light.
21 → 28 January 2021
MA > VR: 19:30 & 21:00 / SU: 14:00 & 15:30 / SA closed
STUK Labozaal
Capacity: 8 personen
Tickets: €10 / €6 HERE
Beyond Music
Stuk, Leuven

Naamsestraat 96, 3000 Leuven, Belgium

Buzzing tubes, vibrating steel plates, blistering encounters of sound, light and movement. Beyond Music is an intimate trail along four surprising sound installations. In a small group you walk from work to work, taking your time to absorb each of the works’ diverse sound worlds. This edition of Beyond Music brings together the best elements of an exhibition (experiencing art spatially) and a concert (listening to a sounding story together) in a full corona proof format.

The track opens with the installation Circuit 04 by sound artist Jeroen Vandesande, who explores the phenomenon of ‘feedback’ through a dialogue between rotating tubes and speakers. Moments later you will be immersed in an immersive blackbox experience with sound, projection and smoke by French electronic artist Mika Oki. She created this work Parhelion especially for Beyond Music. Sound artist Christoph De Boeck shows Murmurs, a brutalistic construction of resonating steel plates. Finally, for Incidence of Light, the Dutch media artist Mariska De Groot is inspired by the phenomenon of the accidental incidence of light. Based on the technique of ‘optical sound’ she creates a dizzying audiovisual trip.
