



Dumpster Drum Machine Workshop

June 19-20, 2017
Hamburg Media School, Finkenau 35, Hamburg

Darsha Hewitt, Gijs Gieskes and Jonathan Reus will lead a workshop for students of the Major Digital Media at Leuphana University. The workshop will take place at the Hamburg Media School.

In this hands-on DYI Electronics/Sound Workshop, students will study The Wurlitzer Sideman 5000 – one of the earliest and heaviest electronic drum machines (ca. 1959). Collectively we will re-imagine / re-build a ‘new’ version of this historically significant electronic instrument with material and used electronics scavenged from the trash. 

Participants will learn how to read schematics, use test equipment, build sound/electromechanical circuitry and experiment with lo-tech beats and rhythms.

This Workshop approaches the electronic medium through deconstruction; hacking; experimental circuitry; and reverse-engineering. 

Through hands-on experimentation with obsolete/failing/garbage technology, it aims to demystify the hidden world of machines as a means to trace-out structures of economy, power and control embedded throughout and beyond consumer technology and consider its impact humans and nature.