Distortion Series: Conference on AI Cultures at the Geneva College of Art & Design
October 17, 2019
Geneva College of Art & Design, Geneva CH
16:00 – 19:30
Jonathan Reus is giving an artist talk and presenting on critical AI in digital music performance as part of the Distortion Series: Conference on AI Cultures.
Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning are ubiquitous today, from pop culture to the press, through our handheld and networked objects. What does this mean for design and design research? This second installment of the Master Media Design Distorsion Series from HEAD – Geneva will focus on the importance of AI in contemporary design cultures. Based on a combination of speeches, process discussions and panels, artists and researchers will discuss how designers can collaborate with artificial intelligences, both in terms of tools and project opportunities. The afternoon will also be devoted to the consequences of AI and how designers can help highlight the impact of autonomous systems on our society. The conference will be in English.
Jürg Lehni , artist and designer, Zurich
Andreas Refsgaard , artist and creative coder , Copenhagen
Jonathan Reus , experimental composer, Amsterdam
Marta Revuelta , designer and alumni Master Media Design , Geneva
Douglas Edric Stanley , artist and professor Master Media Design , Geneva
Rhiannon Williams , member of Feminist Collective Internet, London