



Marije Baalman at Inclusive Extensions Panel Discussion

Inclusive Extensions
A project on design and inclusivity by IMPAKT and New Emergences
December 20, 2019
Het Huis, Utrecht NL
16:00 – 18:00

Marije Baalman will be part of a panel in this first discussion event of the project Inclusive Extensions, through which researchers, artists and designers, of different abilities will exchange ideas from their own field of expertise. The panel also includes Amble Skuse, Jacqueline Kool, and Simon Dogger.

This series of events will focus on how art, design and technology can adapt towards difference and inclusivity in society, recognizing all human value and agency. How accessible are our current design practices to people with disabilities, and what needs improvement? These are the core questions in the first discussion event where researchers, artists and designers, of different abilities, exchange ideas from their own field of expertise. Everyone is warmly invited to join and share their thoughts. This event will lay the foundation for a series of three design workshops and a final presentation event by IMPAKT in 2020. The workshops aim for a substantial representation of people with disabilities, in the roles of workshop leader, participant and user.