



Marije Baalman performing 10 minute live coding challenge at Creative Coding Utrecht

June 30, 2020
Creative Coding Utrecht Live stream here

On June 30, Marije Baalman will be taking part in the 10 minute live coding challenge organized by Creative Coding Utrecht.

Marije will be performing a remake of her piece “Code LiveCode Live”, a Livecoding performance with SuperCollider, using the laptop and the act of livecoding as the sole material.

“Livecoding the manipulation of the sound of livecoding, causing side effects, which are live coded to manipulate the sound of livecoding, causing side effects, which are live coded to manipulate the sound of livecoding, which are live coded to manipulate the sound of livecoding, causing side effects, which are live coded to manipulate the sound of livecoding, which are live coded to manipulate the sound of livecoding, causing side effects, which are live coded to manipulate the sound of livecoding, …”