



Reading Room #28 – Post-digital Publishing Workshop

September 11, 2018
Stroom Den Haag, Hogewal 1-9, The Hague

Workshop leaders: Rebekka Kiesewetter and Joana Chicau
Text by: Johanna Drucker


“The sensible page [digital or physical] is only the appearance of a provocation to perception”.
Johanna Drucker (2009). “Entity to Event: From Literal, Mechanistic Materiality to Probabilistic Materiality”, Parallax, p. 15

The upcoming Reading Room cluster revolves around the theme of ‘Post-digital Publishing’. We are meeting on Sept 10th for a ‘traditional’ Reading Room event.

As an experimental approach to explore the act of studying and producing text together The Reading Room team is developing a hands-on workshop together with Rebekka Kiesewetter and Joana Chicau for the second session in this cluster. This workshop deals in very direct ways with the materiality and performativity of texts. In this workshop we will be looking at texts as “provocations to perception”, as “field of (…) forces and energies in dynamic suspension, acting on each other (…) producing the conditions readers are provoked by in the constitutive act of reading that makes the text.” ( Drucker 2009, p.14) A text thus, with every reading, is produced anew.

Text and choreography share common features: they are interfaces for communication and collaboration, they are codes for bringing-into-relation and allowing for the emergence of different voices. We will explore ways in which a text can be experienced and developed as a choreographic score, event and social space.

Zooming back into passages of Johanna Drucker’s text read on the 10th and the conversation that evolved around them we will engage in a series of exercises around reading, writing, breathing, algorithmic composition and practices of notation. We will focus on white space, pause, silences, suspensions, and the performance and performativity of its interstices. How do these verbal and visual traces provoke their readers physically and cognitively into reading and response, and therefore allow them to contribute to their creation?

We welcome people that are interested in reading, writing, notation, various form of composition making, including algorithmic ones. There is no special knowledge needed, only an interest in the topics at hand.


Participants should bring their computers and comfortable clothes.

You may register for the workshop before Sept 8th by sending an email to and you will receive the required texts and further instructions. As there is a capacity limit to this event please let us know if you can’t come after all.

The duration of the workshop is 3 ½ hours (incl. 20 mins after-reflection, wrapping up, conclusions), we will have a 30 mins break.


Rebekka Kiesewetter studied art history, economics and modern history, and is active as a writer, editor, lecturer, curator and researcher. Her works in critical theory, practice and making as critique evolve at the intersections of experimental publishing, socially engaged design and architecture, artistic research, humanities and cultural sciences.. She experiments with methods and formats of investigation, intervention, representation and publication that might generate understandings and potential for multiple iterations by means other than those academic and artistic research and creative composition typically afford.

Joana Chicau is a designer, coder, researcher – with a background dance. Her transdisciplinary project interweaves media design and web environments with choreographic practices. Chicau has been researching the intersection of the body with the constructed, designed, programmed environment, aiming at in widening the ways in which digital sciences is presented and made accessible to the public. She has been actively participating and organizing events with performances involving multi-location collaborative algorithmic improvisation, open discussions on gender equality and activism.


The Reading Room is an event series dedicated to creating a community-oriented, public platform for encounters with contemporary ideas on art and society. At its core, The Reading Room series revolves around the reading of texts provided by invited guests – cultural theorists, philosophers and curators – who join our diverse community in an open discussion while providing context and perspective.

The series stems from a belief that keeping a close connection to historical and emerging theories on art and culture is invaluable to artists. Especially in the 21st century, where theory, practice and social engagement in the arts seem to merge ever more seamlessly.

The Reading Room is organised by Jonathan Reus, Sissel Marie Tonn and Flora Reznik. The program is supported by Stroom Den Haag and the Dutch Creative Industries Fund, and is produced by the Instrument Inventors Initiative.

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