



Sunlight Photo Printing with Farah Rahman

June 2, 2019
iii workspace, Willem Dreespark, The Hague
10:30 – 13:30
Languages: Dutch, English
For participants 6-10 years old
Fee: €5

Farah Rahman will be giving a cyanotype printing workshop as part of iii’s art and technology workshop series.

Cyanotype is a photographic printing process that produces a cyan-blue print. In this workshop we will produce our own cyanotypes through the use of sunlight, water, and organic materials from around the iii workspace area. Through playful creative sessions, we will create our own photographic compositions.

At the end of the workshop, parents will be invited to see the prints made by participants. The participants can then take home their own photo prints and will be equipped with techniques that they can try at home.

Farah Rahman is a mixed media artist working with archives, found footage and objects. Farah’s tendency to collect and document artistically is similar to the work of an ethnographer who analyzes peoples and cultures through field research. She strives to use remixing media techniques as a research tool. Her starting point is the de-construction of found (archive) materials, fragments from the mainstream media landscape, popular culture and personal archives.

Rahman studied audiovisual design at The Willem The Kooning Art Academy and is currently a member of the Film Werkplaats in WORM Rotterdam.”