The Augmented Attention Lab with Jonathan Reus and Sissel Marie Tonn
Facilitators: Jonathan Reus and Sissel Marie Tonn
Ages: 18+
Language: English
Duration: 4-6 days, 6 hours per day
In this lab we will explore ways of creating technologies and practices, that focuses and fine-tunes our attention towards sensing varied intensities of change within our environment. We will be exploring the subject by looking at qualitative methods such as ‘microphenomenology’, which is used to zoom in on the fine gradients of human experience of the world, as well as explore ways of ‘hacking’ sensory perception, through exercises and field trips. We invite makers to come together to build new wearable/portable tools and develop sensory practices that augment the body in order to sense environmental changes, happening at the threshold of the human sensory spectrum.
The facilitators of the lab will focus on wearable sensor systems and e-textile practices as a point of departure, but welcome all inventions/interventions that challenge the perceptual and sensory modes of the body within its environment.
Past dates:
June 3-6, 2019: The Augmented Attention Lab at Sensorium Festival, Bratislava SK
November 14, 2017: Composing Attention Workshop at Aarhus University, Aarhus DE